Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

U.S. He is the beloved daughter Prophet Muhammad. U.S. He was born of the most noble family and educated in an environment of Prophethood. U.S. He is a noble figure and role model for Muslims after the Prophet Muhammad. U.S. He is a noble example for semulia-believer woman .. U.S. He is a person who is always in the truth. U.S. He is the One who sanctified by God from all sin.
He Sayyida Fatima Women Host U.S. is the most important

Rasulullah SAW said "Women are the main hosts of heaven was Khadijah bint Khuwailid, Fatima bint Muhammad, Maryam bint Imran, and Assia Mazahim wife of Pharaoh's daughter. (Authentic Hadith reported by Ahmad, Thabrani, Judge, Thahawi in Saheeh al-Saghir Jami'As no 1135 and Genealogical Al Hadith Al Saheehah no1508).
He Sayyida Fatimah AS is the leader or prince of all women in Paradise

That there are angels who came to the Prophet Muhammad and said, "Fatima is actually the prince of all women in Paradise." (Hadith narrated by al Hakim in Al Mustadrak with a good sanad).

Rasululah SAW said to Fatima: "Do not you love it if you became the prince of her all natural" (Hadith narrated by al Bukhari in the book of Al Maghazi).
U.S. He is semulia-noble lady Lady lady and the world.

Aisha narrated that the Prophet SAW said: "O Fatima, do not you content to be Lady of the women of the world (or) be the tallest woman of all women or women of this ummah believer" (Sahih Bukhari Hadith in Volume VIII, Volume VII of Sahih Muslim, Sunan Ibn Majah Volume I pp. 518, Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal vol VI pp. 282, Mustadrak hlm156 Al Hakim Volume III).
He Sayyida Fatimah AS is part of the Prophet Muhammad. Anyone who doubts the U.S. He means doubting the Prophet Muhammad. Anger U.S. He is the Messenger of Allah's anger. Of course the anger is always in the truth and not just based on emotion alone.

That the Prophet SAW said: "Fatima is a portion of me, whoever that made her angry, makes me angry!" (Hadith Sahih Bukhari in Fadhail Fatima Bukhari Chapter No. 61).

Rasulullah SAW said: "Fatima is sebahagian than me; anyone doubt about it, then feel free to me, and lie is a lie to me" (Bukhari Hadith Sahih Bukhari in the book of marriage ar-Rajuli Dzabb chapter).
Lady Fatimah AS is the Ahlul-Bait are consecrated sacred sacred by Allah SWT from all sin. He therefore avoid the mistakes the U.S. and the action that is not blessed by Allah SWT.

It was narrated from Abu Salamah ibn 'Umar who said, "The following verse was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, Allah removes the sins of bekehendak you, O Ahlul-Bait and menyucikanmu sacred as sacred. (Surat al-Ahzab 33). Verse down in the house of Umm Salamah, the Prophet Muhammad then called Fatima, Hasan and Husayn, the Prophet Muhammad then cover them with fabric being Ali ibn Abi Talib was behind the backs of the Prophet Muhammad. He was covered with a cloth SAW Then he said: "Allahumma ( O God) they are Ahlul BaitKu then remove them from their sins and purify them as pure-sucinya.Ummu Salamah said, "And if I was with them, O Messenger of Allah? . He said "you have your own place and you are the better. (Sunan Tirmidhi Hadith No. 3871 No. 3205 and classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albani in Sahih Nashirudin Sunan Tirmidhi).
He Sayyida Fatimah AS is a purified Ahlul Bait and therefore he is Ahlul Bait clearly mentioned in the hadith Tsaqalain that they are always with Al Quran and always with the truth.

Rasulullah SAW said. "I leave you two relics (Ats Tsaqalain), the book of Allah and the Ahlul BaitKu. Surely they can not be separated, until they come back to the Al Haudh. (Al-Hakim Mustadrak Shahihain As it juz III 148 Al Hakim said in Al Mustadrak As Shahihain that the sanad of this hadith sahih Bukhari and Muslim according to requirements).
He Sayyida Fatimah is Ahlul Bait AS where Muslims hold to avoid error.

That the Prophet SAW said: "O man verily I leave to you what if you hold him you will not necessarily perverted, the Book of Allah and Ahlul Itrati BaitKu". (Hadith Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Thabrani, and classed as saheeh by Shaykh Thahawi Nashiruddin Al Albany in The genealogy of his book Al Hadith Al Saheehah No. 1761).
He Sayyida Fatimah AS is the Ahlul Bait giving safety instructions to Muslims

Ibn Abbas said that the Messenger of Allah said: "The stars are the safety instructions inhabitants of the dangers of drowning in the middle of Ahlul lautan.Adapun BaitKu is evidence of safety for my people when there perpecahan.Maka Arab tribes in the opposite way with They will undoubtedly be broken to pieces and evil party. "(Hadith narrated by al Hakim in Mustadrak Ash Shahihain 149 vol 3 things, Al-Hakim said that this hadith is saheeh according to the requirements of Bukhari Muslim).
He Sayyida Fatimah AS is the Ahlul Bait AS is like Noah's Ark that whoever they will be safe to ride and those who do not follow them then they will sink

Kanani Hanash reported "I saw Abu Dhar holds the door Ka'bah (the House) and say" oh man if you know me you know I was that, if not then I am Abu Dzar.Aku heard Rasulullah SAW said "People of BaitKu like Noah's boat , whoever they will be safe to ride and those who do not follow them then they will drown. "(Hadith Ash Mustadrak Shahihain Judge in terms of volume 2 343 and Al-Hakim said that the hadith is saheeh).
All the virtues above clearly shows that Lady Fatimah AS is not the same as the Prophet's companions ra. AS far he has primacy over them. They are the companions of the Prophet is more worthy of reference and be guided by the She Sayyida Fatimah who are Ahlul Bait AS Prophet Muhammad. Are not they were the companions of the Prophet may Allah's will have to listen to the Prophet Muhammad in the hadith Tsaqalain that they must hold fast to the Qur'an and Ahlul Bait. So it's odd at all if there is a saying that Lady Fatimah U.S. like other companions of the Prophet who can also be erroneous or influenced by personal preference, or opinion of the U.S. He is also the interpretation that can go wrong, this opinion is clearly opposed to the proposition that authentic. If therefore there is a dispute between the U.S. and the Lady Fatimah ra Prophet then it is definitely truth there is in the Sayyida Fatimah U.S. because the U.S. He is the one who sanctified by God and always be in the truth.

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